March 31, 2008

Home Education Week: Profiling the Family

Today is day two of Home Education Week! Dana at Principled Discovery has set up a week of writing prompts and activities for anyone who wants to participate. The writing topic for today is "Profiling Home Educators."

Profiling Home Educators: Monday, March 31
Describe yourself, your family or one of your children. What is it like to be home educated in your family? What is “normal” for you?

PotatoCode Name: Potato
Status: firstborn
Gender: male
Hobbies: playing guitar, cracking jokes, eating
Favorite Subject: literature
Least Favorite Subject: ?
Aspirations: to be a rock star or own his own business
Code Name: Monkey
Status: second born
Gender: male
Hobbies: anything related to tools, duct tape or PVC
Favorite Subject: science
Least Favorite Subject: reading unless it's something he wants to read
Aspirations: to be a pastor and an engineer

Code Name: Pumpkin
Status: third born
Gender: female
Hobbies: reading anything, playing piano
Favorite Subject: everything
Least Favorite Subject: none
Aspirations: to be a missionary
Code Name: Peanut
Status: fourth born
Gender: female
Hobbies: animals (especially dogs), reading (especially Redwall)
Favorite Subject: history
Least Favorite Subject: none
Aspirations: to be a veterinarian

"Normal" for us: We get up, take showers, eat breakfast, then we start schoolwork. Everyone works on independent work in the morning, sometimes working into the afternoon. I'm available for help when needed. We do any read-alouds during or right after lunch (unless not everyone is done with independent work). We also do hands-on activities, nature study, science projects, and other group stuff during the afternoon a couple of times a week.

I have a nice schedule that looks really good on paper, but we don't follow it strictly. I just put it together so I can make sure I'm not overloading our days - and because I'm kind of weird and I love anything to do with schedules and organizing.

HomeschoolBlogger Comments
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Mar. 31, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by rcelliott

I am really impressed with your PSP creativity. I like this post for a lot of reasons, two of which are:

Your creativity on the pictures and the time you spent showing off your children

The thoughtfulness you used in writing about them and showing off their talents without baring any weaknesses.

I love you!!!

Mar. 31, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by Anonymous

Very nice pictures! Someday I'm going to learn how to do that. :) I have a written schedule, too, but it is extremely flexible.

Peace to you,

Mar. 31, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by lahbluebonnet

What interesting pictures. They seem to fit the bios of your children. You do a great job!

Mar. 31, 2008 - Untitled Comment

Posted by kympossible

Great job profiling your kids and a "normal' day for you. I really enjoyed reading this!


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